I wanted to share my photos of the memorial set up in Boston’s Copley Square where the recent bombing tragically killed 3, and injured over 170 people. And so senselessly, so senselessly. I’m sure it seems to you, too, that – to kill innocent people (children included) to get attention, to supposedly further a cause, is the most insane thinking on this planet. And yet, there are those out there that think this way.
But we, my friend, far out number those that would do these evil things. As witnessed by the outpourings of care and support from the people in the city of Boston and those who have visited. The memorial in Copley Square is so unabashedly full of love, good wishes, healing, and strength, that I was moved to tears as I walked through it. I felt the sorrow, the terrible trauma that these people went through on that day. Looking at the memorial, if was it the entire city had thrown itself, like a blanket of care, to heal, support, and do what they can. It was a promise to “be there,” with heartfelt sincerity and diligence, along with many, many prayers.
And this vibe of care emanates throughout the city – in signs on walls, T-shirts that say “Boston Strong”, special discounts in stores in honor of the Marathon, even a commercial that shows a fishing boat beautifully, simply, raising an American flag, with “Boston Strong” appearing across the bottom of the screen.
I am always in amazement of how many good people there are out there in the world. And when tragedy strikes, it shows what a person is really made of. And this makes me proud to be a part of the human race.
And as for those “other” people who would do us harm to further their own twisted agendas, they can try (and I think they will always try), but I don’t think they will ever get very far because – when a light such as ours shines so bright, darkness cannot survive in it.

Pretty cool that people put their running shoes here.

The amount of flowers, and letters, and mementos, flags is amazing.

A special memorial in the middle for the victims.

On the weekend, the site was visited by MANY people.

A young boy sends his own best wishes.

Many stop to meditate, and pay their respects. Old, and young alike.

…Also bloom in Boston Commons, the oldest park in the country.